My approach

I will tailor our sessions to your specific needs and goals, drawing from a variety approaches and techniques including mindfulness, neuroscience, parts work, and somatic processing with my main modalities being somatically based Hakomi, Internal Family Systems and EMDR.  I am committed to ongoing development through professional education, clinical supervision, rest and play.


The Hakomi method is an attachment-based psychotherapeutic approach that combines the principles of mindfulness and somatic therapy to promote self-awareness, personal growth, and healing. It has been used to treat a wide range of concerns including anxiety, depression, trauma and relationship issues that can be difficult to address through talk therapy alone.

The foundation of the method is the belief that many of our inner difficulties are rooted in unconscious beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behaviours that were developed in response to early experiences and relationships. Mindfulness and exploratory interventions help clients transform the repetitive patterns that drive their emotional reactions and behaviour. Working within a supportive therapeutic relationship, Hakomi can help clients gain insight, heal from past traumas, and develop more fulfilling and authentic lives.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

IFS therapy is currently enjoying a surge of popularity in the psychology field. According to IFS theory, our system is made up of parts that have their own unique perspectives, needs and desires. Some parts of ourselves are healthy and contribute positively to a person’s overall functioning, while others may be more problematic and cause distress or dysfunction. The therapy helps clients to reduce the negative influence of problematic parts and promotes healthy, adaptive functioning.

Therapy may begin by identifying the different parts of the client’s internal system. These parts may include the inner critic, the protector, the manager and the wounded child among others. Once the parts are identified, we work to establish a relationship with each part and understand it’s role in the system. The goal is to enable clients to access and engage with their true, compassionate self which is considered the core of their being.

IFS therapy can be a powerful tool to understand and work through a wide range of personal challenges including anxiety, depression, and trauma. With deeper awareness and integration of their inner world individuals can cultivate a greater resilience, self-compassion and overall well-being.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a type of therapy that helps people who have experienced trauma or difficult life events. It is a widely used treatment for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and other trauma related conditions.

During EMDR the client recalls a distressing memory or event, while also focussing on an external stimulus such as eye movements or bilateral tapping. This is believed to help the patient reprocess the memory, reducing its emotional intensity as well as integrate more adaptive behaviours and beliefs.

Many people begin to feel the results of EMDR after just a few sessions. However, it can also be an intense intervention and not everyone is an immediate candidate for the treatment. EMDR requires an assessment of suitability and preparation for individuals to tolerate the process.

Does this sound like something you connect with? Contact me to arrange a free consultation session to determine if I’m the right fit for you.