About Me

Welcome. You may have arrived here in the process of seeking understanding, meaning and healing from a variety of experiences and hardships. Confusion, struggle, stuckness and pain can be difficult to tolerate and often feel too hard to navigate alone. I strive to be a thoughtful and compassionate support through whatever challenges you are facing. While being empathic and attuned, my goal is to integrate my professional knowledge and training with the experiences and emotions you are working through. I believe most personal difficulties and experiences can be improved and you are worthy and capable of a fulfilling and authentic life.

I am often asked about my job and if it’s difficult to listen to people’s challenges every day. My answer is always the same. It is not. I deeply trust the therapeutic process and hold deep confidence in client’s ability to heal and weather dark storms of life.  I have had the privilege of seeing this happen many, many times in my years as a therapist, and experience with my own struggles has taught me there can be great strength and rewarding personal growth on the other side of difficulty and despair. I look forward to accompanying you through this journey.

  • Internal Family Systems – Level One – completed October, 2022

  • Indigenous Psychological Services – Day in-service and workshop September, 2022

  • Hakomi Advanced Training Program, Hakimi Institute of Calgary – CERTIFIED June, 2022

  • Attachment-Focused EMDR – Healing Developmental Deficits and Adults and Adults Abused as Children, 2 days Dr. Laurel Parnell, PhD. Completed September 2021

  • Hakomi Method of Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy – Comprehensive 2 year Training Hakomi Institute of Calgary, Completed November, 2020

  • Understanding and Treating Chronic Shame in Complex Trauma and Dissociation Workshop, Kathy Steele, Completed May, 2020,

Education and Training

  • The Polyvagel Theory in Practice – Helping Clients Reshape their Autonomic Nervous Systems Workshop, Deb Dana, Completed April, 2020

  • Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model – 4 days, Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists, Completed November, 2019

  • EMDR: When There are No Words: Reprocessing Early Trauma and Neglect – 2 days Sandra Paulsen, Completed May, 2019

  • Ego State Interventions using EMDR – 3 days Robin Shapiro, Completed February, 2019

  • EMDR Basic Training, Completed January, 2018

  • Master of Counselling – City University - Completed December 2017